Tuesday, November 18, 2014

My Nail Care Routine

Hey y'all! 
So today we have one of my favorite kind of posts! A nail care routine! I find lots of people enjoy these for various reasons, but most importantly how to learn to care for your beauties! 
Nail care has a TON to do with the overall health of your nails. Of course some problems are hereditary or caused by poor health or damage, but great nail care can help provide great improvement!

I am a licensed nail tech so some of this is technical, but most of it is just how I prefer to do my own nail care.

I start out by filing my nails. You wanna do this when your nails are dry, if they're wet, they are weaker and thinner and can break more easily. So dry nails and a good file. I of course can be caught usin just any ole file I can find around my house but when I really focus I like to use my glass OPI file. 

When you file your nails there is a certain way you want to file to minimize breakage. On the sides of your nails you're gonna wanna bring the file down the side of the nail towards the tip, never go up. On the free edge you wanna go from the corner to the center on both sides, you never file all the way across and never saw back and forth. Your nails are built in layers and filing this way will minimize pullin those layers apart. Also you don't always need to file your nails, just if your shape is out of whack or you have a snag, fix what you need to and move on. 

Then I soak my nails in warm water, sunflower seed oil and a little bit of baking soda. Mix it all together and soak for 5 to 10 minutes, rubbing the oil all over your nails. When you're done soaking just dry your hands off on a towel, leave the oils on your hands. 

Next I apply a cuticle remover. I like to use blue cross from sally beauty but for this post I didn't have any on hand, so I used my avon gel remover. Just apply to all your cuticles.

Then with a cuticle pusher you're gonna GENTLY push back your cuticle in circular motions. Depending on how often you do this, you may have a lot of cuticle to remove from your nail, sometimes it's crazy to see gol. If you have any dead whitish skin sticking up you can gently remove it with some nippers, otherwise DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT, cut! Your cuticle is skin that grows along the nail to seal the eponychium from infection. The eponychium is what most people call the cuticle and therefore they cut it! Please do not! You need that! If it's hard and crusty it's because you don't moisturize so go grab the oil and lotion and put down the nippers! When you're done wash your hands and scrub your nails to clean off the remover. 

Next I lightly buff the cuticle area just to make sure it's nice and smooth. I don't buff my nails unless I need to, too much can thin them out. 

The easiest and best smelling part is cuticle oil! I use SweetBaby by Donna! Mine is Creamy Pumpkin scented! It's sooooo yummy smellin! There are several scents available and the oil is great! Very smooth and soaks right into the skin. The application is super easy, just use the roller ball to run it across your cuticles and you're done! It's also small so you can take it with you to moisturize on the go! This is an important step especially in winter! 
Here's the link to Donna's shop!

Next up is my favorite nail cream "hard as hoofs"
I get this at walmart in the nail polish section by all the nail treatments. This cream is fantastic, It helps moisturize and bring strength back into your nails.

I just take some out with my knuckle and rub it across each nail then rub it in like a lotion. I also take this time to push back my cuticles if I haven't done so that day. 

I then finish everythin off with Avon's Skin So Soft Winter Soft hand lotion! This lotion is AMAZIN! I loooove it! It came out last year and went away for the summer, but I'm so glad it's back! I'm gonna stock up as I like to use it all year round! It's so thick and creamy and a little goes a long way! It's really moisturizin and has a neutral scent. 
Here's a link to my online store where you can purchase your own!
It's on sale right now for $3.99 so get yours now!

And there ya go nice clean refreshed, moisturized nails! I let them sit for awhile and then apply my OPI Nail Envy base coat. Now you're ready for a new design! 

That's it hope y'all enjoyed this and if you have any questions leave them below! 
Be sure to check me out on Instagram (@Maagsdinwiddie) and use the #Magsyinspired if you have somethin you want me to see! 

See ya next time!

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